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How to Measure CTV Advertising Success Without a Collective Currency

Without a "universal source of truth" in ad performance measurement, how can CTV advertisers accurately gauge their success? 首席执行官埃文•夏皮罗 ESHAP discusses the challenges 和 some strategic approaches for effective CTV ad measurement with Lana LoRusso, 销售副总裁, 大气的电视,在这个剪辑中 流媒体连接2023.

夏皮罗说,最近的研究, 包括三星的一个, show that the consumer ad experience on CTV is superior to linear TV because it is much more personalized. 然而, 即使用户体验得到了改善, its deeper benefits for advertisers 和 platforms remain opaque due to a lack of a universal measuring system for ad engagement. He notes that several companies are working on fixing this issue, such as VideoAmpiSpot, 和 he asks LoRusso how Atmosphere is approaching the issue. 他说:“你可以和代理合作伙伴谈谈. “你可以和品牌买家的品牌经理交谈. 他们的态度是什么?? What's the conversation you are hearing writ large in the buying 和 selling community around this lack of [a] unified source of truth?”

LoRusso notes some of the perceptual issues that media buyers have with Atmosphere, 特别是, due to the nature of its out-of-home digital signage business, 可能包括声音,也可能不包括声音. 她说:“所以它来来回回。. “说到你的观点, I think that the majority of the clients or the ad agencies are buying either with VideoAmp or iSpot, 和 they don't measure platforms that don't have sound. 这是我们现在面临的问题. 所以我们用一种叫做 人平台,它诞生于 尼尔森,户外买家也明白这一点.”

She emphasizes that Atmosphere is doing its best to guide these ad measuring companies into a more flexible 和 dynamic mindset for tracking data. “We want to work with VideoAmp to find a solution because we are a video platform. We run like a video; we serve all our ads dynamically. 我们知道人们流媒体的时间有多长. We know what channels they're streaming on with us. We have all that 信息 和 data, but we are not bought that way in most cases.”

She notes that no matter how sophisticated the technology gets, gathering a true sense of real-time ad engagement is still quite an inexact science, 和 this has not changed since the days of analog linear TV viewer tracking. “You could get up; you could go to the bathroom. 我们怎么知道你订婚了?她说。. “I mean, I'm on my phone all the time doing five different things as I watch one show. [当时]是一样的. How do we know people are really looking up at the TV at the time the ad comes out?”

夏皮罗说, 这可以追溯到约翰·沃纳梅克的那句话, ‘I know half my marketing money is being wasted. I just don’t know which half,’ which he said in 1927 or something like that. 我们还在处理这个问题.”

完整的会议 来自流媒体连接2023年11月. We'll be back in person for 纽约流媒体 on May 20-22, 2024. 更多细节请点击这里.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How Streaming Channels Can Attract Programmatic Advertisers

With 55-60% of advertising dollars flowing to Amazon, Meta, 和谷歌, streaming services need to be strategic 和 deliberate in how they differentiate their offerings not just to audiences but to the br和s that support them. 在这段来自流媒体连接的剪辑中, ESHAP's Evan Shapiro 和 大气的电视's Lana LoRusso discuss the challenges to stay ahead of the market in the competition for ad dollars 和 the creative way 大气的电视 positions its sound-optional venue-based platform to attract ad agencies.

CTV oem厂商如何影响快速成功

70 percent of FAST channel viewing happens on connected TVs, 和 the vast array of FAST channels that quietly insinuate themselves into viewers' living rooms as soon as they plug in their Samsung 和 LG CTV sets are the most accessible 和 easily tracked FAST viewing experiences imaginable, as they require no additional app installations to gain front-和-center visibility. How critical is the preeminence of specific CTV OEM br和s in the success of FAST channels? Alan Wolk of TVREV 和 Chris Pfaff of Chris Pfaff Tech Media discuss the market dynamics of FAST 和 the CTV ecosystem in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


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