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什么是FAST 2.0?

Ad-supported streaming tiers have been on the rise lately, 越来越多的用户现在观看免费广告支持电视频道(FAST),以应对日益增长的经济压力和所谓的“订阅疲劳”管理 付费OTT选项太多. With many new FAST channels launched, what’s now emerging is “FAST 2.0.” How will it differ from the current FAST models, is it related to Web3? jonathan Barbato,联合首席执行官 最好的频道, discusses this topic with 马修Durgin, Sr. Director, North American Innovation 和 Development Team, LG, Greg Barnard, Director, Content Acquisition, Vizio.

Barbato asks Durgin, “What do you think FAST 2.0大约是? 我们会在内容上看到什么不同,我们会引入什么技术?”

Durgin says that exclusive 和 原始 programming may define FAST 2.0, LG is working directly with partners to make this happen. “Last year LG launched a special relationship with the NCAA,我们有一个 NCAA通道他说。. “然后是今年, we've launched an exclusive channel with David Chang, who's a world-renowned chef 和 owner of the 总监百福 餐厅. He does an exclusive, not just a cooking show, but cooking a channel for LG channels. And so you know, there's a number of ways that this can go into any category. 但我认为,你现在会看到的一件事是FAST公司致力于获得排他性, 原始, differentiated content out there to keep building an audience.”

Barbato asks Greg Barnard of Vizio for his thoughts on FAST 2.0. Barnard强调,品牌或赞助商主导的节目是FAST 2的另一个重要的潜在方面.0, along with ease of discoverability in UX. 有品牌节目, 他说, “这就是我们找到很多机会来获取和确保独家内容的地方. But it is an expensive venture as well, right? 如果你正在制作内容,而你的受众还没有定期参与, then that becomes a bit of a cost center for you, it becomes very difficult to monetize over time. And that's why scale is really important, 我认为, also by leveraging br和s as a part of this opportunity is really critical as well.”

关于编程的可发现性,Barnard谈到Vizio时说:“我们已经做到了? We have a platform [和 a] home screen that is very valuable.” This is crucial for immediately engaging 和 retaining viewers. “You can leverage that opportunity by bringing in sponsorships br和s to that他说。. “随着时间的推移,这是一个非常独特和有趣的机会,可以帮助我们在这个领域实现盈利. 2.0 is going to include exclusives 和 原始s…我认为 that is an engagement tool, but a retention tool is always going to be having great content, 拥有出色的体验和出色的产品,让人们日复一日地留在那里. 它正在获得更好的内容和更大的品牌,我们也在这样做.”

Barnard stresses that thinking big is the way to go for anyone working on the new FAST 2.0模型. “It's been reported in the market -- we can believe it or not -- that 50% of 网飞公司 内容原创, but 75% of their viewing is catalog, stuff people know 和 love that they can put on 和 let it run. And we're in the business of selling ads, which means we need people to watch today, 明天, 下个月, 一直到明年. 这就是为什么我说2.0 is a continued enhancement on that product. It's not just put it up 和 let it run. We actually have to build the new TBS, 三硝基甲苯, 美国, FX 这个新世界,对吧? And those are the opportunities.

了解更多关于FAST 2的信息.0 at 流媒体东部2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How Premium Br和s Are Leveraging FAST

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Fuse Media's Patrick Courtney Talks FAST Br和 Verticalization 和 UX


How to Launch a FAST Channel

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How to Ease OTT Consumers Into Behind-the-Paywall Content

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Live Content Discoverability, Reliability, FAST 2.0

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Talking the Future of FAST at NAB 2023

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How to Improve UX for FAST 和 OTT

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