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盖尔·Magnusson: 哪些是最好的服务器端广告插入实践? It's a complicated set of interactions between multiple systems and it's important that it not go wrong, because--at least in the case of linear--once your ad avails are gone, 他们走了. 你再也不会看到那份清单了.

迈克尔·布沙尔: We've run into the issue because we have so many different audiences on different devices and different advertisers that want to advertise on our networks that we can't just take an SSAI approach. We actually support both client- and server-side depending on the situation. And we actually have some streams that do both interchangeably, which gets very interesting. 如果你把它和新闻广播之类的直播联系起来 ... 你们都看过新闻直播. 他们不会听广告结束,所以这是真正的现场直播. And so our ads, whether they're server-side or client-side, have to adapt to that. And that was a big challenge in the early days, working with Darren and his group.

Nadine Krefetz: 你在建造它吗?? 你买了吗??

迈克尔·布沙尔: 我们以为可以买下它,因为 ... 每个人都在放广告. You watch the Super Bowl, you see ads, but it turns out that's not truly live. 它们知道自己的豆荚有多大. The other thing that surprised me was finding out that--for certain advertisers and certain programmatic ads--because of the analytics we get back, 他们为客户端支付更高的CPM. So we're all proud to be rolling out this new platform that's all server-side ads, 由于收入问题,我们不得不关闭一半的业务. 非常意外的. And we're still running some of those today because we got a higher CPM. 所以这要看情况.

Nadine Krefetz: 金钱万能. 马格努斯,你呢? 中方对此有何评论?

马格努斯Svensson: I would usually say that for server-side ad insertion preparation is key. You need to prepare the content coming in with markers and everything like that. 你需要准备好石板和填充物,以防万一. You need properly encoded ads coming in so you don't have a glitch in quality for the ads themselves. 如果你要上线,我想说的是,要为高峰做好准备. 每个人都同时要求做广告. 所以使用预加载, 标头竞价, and these type of techniques to flatten the curve is pretty popular. Be prepared, because if it's a live event, a lot of viewers will press ads at the same time. 这将是系统的高峰. So with preparation, you should do what gets quality in the end.

达伦Lepke: It's very true that server-side ad insertion and the ad ecosystem online are very, very complicated. 这就带来了一些不同的挑战. 当我们谈论cpm时, today server-side ad insertion supports VAST advertising and VAST protocols; client-side still supports VPAID and some of the interactivity there--that's where you see some of the higher CPMs. But I think with some of the advancements and protocols around VAST 4.0, 一些开放的测量标准, 有些东西会在那里上线, I think we're starting to see a little bit of rebalancing of those CPMs, because you're starting to get more analytics from the server side.

这当然是值得思考的问题. 最终, you have to understand the balance of inventory in your programmatic ad system, 或者在预先销售的AD系统中. If you only have paid ads and not VAST ads, that presents a challenge. 所以你还得考虑你的广告合作伙伴.

现在, 复杂性的第二部分是, 在电视生态系统中, 广告休息时间的安排是非常严格的, 在互联网上的广告荚内的广告的确切持续时间. And especially when you're going after open exchanges or programmatic exchanges, 如果你要求30秒的广告, 你并不是总能得到30秒的回复. 有时是28, 有时是32, 你必须有一个灵活的系统, “我将允许我的广告休息30秒,“也许我的直播有点落后于直播. 所以你可以灵活调整你的广告荚. 你可能会决定说:“我要剪掉最后一个广告. 等我们有30秒的休息时间, 不管怎样,我都要剪掉这则广告, 然后回去继续生活.这可能会影响你的完成率和收益. 然后你也可以决定, “如果我得到32秒的广告, 我就不放最后一个广告了. Or I'm only going to do 20 seconds of ad and then show 10 seconds of slate."

这有点复杂. I think that that will become a little less complicated over time as the industry meets some of the requirements for SSAI. 最终, it's about planning and understanding what's most important to you. 你是否在为收益而优化? 您是否针对延迟进行了优化? 你是否在优化生产? These these are all the things you have to consider when you're looking at best practices for SSAI.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

服务器端与. 客户端流媒体广告插入

Katz Networks的Yazmin Wickham报道, Optus的杰里米·布朗, CBS互动的Jarred Willichinsky报道, and Comcast's Larry Allen make the case for server-side ad insertion in this clip from their panel at 流媒体西部 Connect.


Verizon的达伦·莱普克 and 流媒体's Nadine Krefetz discuss the importance of efficiency, 成本, 指标, and ad partnerships in OTT integration in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.


FandangoNOW的Rema Morgan-Aluko报道, fuboTV的Geir Magnusson报道, 辛克莱的迈克尔·布沙尔, and Eyevinn's Magnus Svensson discuss best practices for integrating OTT components and platforms in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.


Verizon的达伦·莱普克, fuboTV的Geir Magnusson报道, and Reality Software's Nadine Krefetz discuss the present and future of OTT in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.

如何改进OTT搜索 & 发现

How can OTT services make it easier for consumers to find the content they want? 更多的聚合? 其它的建议? Sherry Brennan and Randa Minkarah discuss at 流媒体 East 2020.


Intertrust's Ali Hodjat discusses where OTT piracy is happening now, 反盗版公司是如何应对的, and what remains to be done to root out the problem in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.

COVID - OTT增长是否可持续?

Resonance AI's Randa Minkarah and strategic consultant Sherry Brennan speculate on OTT's next new normal in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.


Strategic Consultant Sherry Brennan forecasts the near future of OTT services and how consumers will use them in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.

COVID - OTT激增如何影响性能

Intertrust's Ali Hodjat discusses how surging traffic and heightened content protection have affected OTT performance over the last three months in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect.


Critical survey data on OTT consumption from Altman Vilandrie's Matt Rivet, with additional analysis from strategic consultant Sherry Brennan at 流媒体 East Connect 2020.
