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在今年的消费电子展上, a Sony executive talked about how the company tested four different types of native ad movie trailers within Facebook for different markets. 其中一个做得很好,他们决定把它作为电视广告来播放.

如果没有详细分析的洞察力,这一切都不可能实现. 分析可以回答无数的问题:出版商是否在他们的内容中投放了太多的广告? 如果内容更短,观众会看得更多吗? 广告库存定价是否正确? Effectively using the data from each part of the technology stack means better business decisions and happier customers. This article introduces a quick overview of the data roadmap that can direct publishers to making the right decisions about content and advertising.

例如,成立八年的新闻和时事网站的工作人员 报童 建立自己的分析仪表板. “我们有收入仪表板,也有编辑团队仪表板. 总经理Blake Sabatinelli说:“我每天都要看好几遍. 报童 also has a large syndication business and deliver ads programmatically via first- and third-party data.

萨巴蒂内利说:“我们在Excel和谷歌表格中创建了很多东西. 报童使用Google Analytics和Supermetrics进行收购和自动化. “我们从cms长度中获取所有数据, 故事的基调和基调, 情绪(高兴, 悲伤的, 或中性故事), 件数, 谁是最优秀的作家, 并将其与另一端的数据合并, 这就是我们的客户访问(内容)的方式. We try to do everything we can to merge the two data sources to get insight into how everything is working."


对于任何发行商来说,当用户开始观看视频时,旅程就开始了. "The three most common quality of experience (QoE) measurements are how long did it take for the video to start when the consumer clicked play, 图片的比特率是多少, 再缓冲比率是多少?他们看到缓冲轮的时间是多少. 他们看了多长时间的内容,埃德·哈斯拉姆说, 分析服务提供商的首席营销官 Conviva. 这些测量结果可能不是新闻, 但是,对许多组织来说,拥有所有的部件都是新闻, 所以忽略这个就像从第二步开始.

能够追踪内容的发布地点是下一步. “我们的客户最喜欢的一件事是社交联合. The days of 'I'm going to put my video out and it's going to live on my app or website or Roku channel' has evolved to include social media,马特·史密斯说, 在线视频平台副总裁兼首席媒体传道者 Brightcove.


The total percentage of the video viewed and where it was viewed are vital stats almost all publishers track. 如果在某一点有很大的下降, 将会有关于连接问题的平台数据, 但问题可能更简单——也许内容并不有趣.

在社交方面,有些公司为每个平台定制内容,而有些公司则没有. Either way, publishers need to know if people are engaging with it, sharing, liking or retweeting it. "Being able to pull the data back into the platform and put it into a dashboard so our customers can see that one piece did really good on Facebook, 好的,在Twitter上, 在Snapchat上表现不佳是非常重要的,史密斯说。.

数据为假设提供了依据. 一个给定的假设是对还是错需要人类的分析, 但是没有数据, 出版商只是猜测. 报童 found that the idea that viewers wanted to specifically curate their own content was more popular in theory than in practice. "In publishing I think there is this fallacy that a large amount of people want to pick and choose. 最终,这些用户通常非常有限。. “而不是强迫人们登录并选择你想要看到的类别, the simple act of paying attention to what people are consuming via data and doing passive customization around the content and the ads is a more effective experience."


从观众切换到广告主,视频营销平台 Innovid has analytics that drive hyper-personalized ad campaigns and provide insight about who was targeted, 投放了多少广告, 用什么设备, 完成率, 观看的时间和地点, 它在网站的哪个区域被浏览, 不管它是否可见, 当相互作用发生时采取了什么步骤.

“如果你是美国银行, 你有很多种类型的客户,有很多种方式来讲述一个故事,Tal Chalozin说, Innovid的首席技术官. “因为所有这些排列, the connections of the data must be automated because there's no way to do it in a manual way. 我们正在将视频(数据)连接到营销自动化平台. 我们称之为数据输入和数据输出. Data-out queries the marketing cloud a publisher may use to find out details about the viewer. Data-in delivers whatever 信息 around your identity is acquired when you view a piece of content back into the marketing cloud."

假设某条内容在5天内获得了1000万次印象, 20个网站, 五种不同的设备. 尼尔森有关于GRP收视率的数据——覆盖面, 频率, 受众构成的人口统计和心理数据. “(我们)清理它,并将其连接到我们所有的其他数据集,并将其散列在一起.查洛津说. Innovid使用来自ComScore的第三方数据, 尼尔森, 护城河, 整合广告科学, DoubleVerify, 和其他人. 最终目的是了解有多少印象传递给了正确的受众.

许多公司,包括Innovid和 愤怒的集团.,帮助客户规范其数据. Essentially they're offering a cleaning service to take first- and third-party data (Innovid) or data from disparate systems (愤怒的集团.) and help process it into a more standardize format which can be imported and used in other systems.

从数据清理到广告量,我们又回到了Conviva, which provides measurements to gauge if the volume or placement of advertising may be mismatched with consumer expectations. 换句话说,它有助于回答“多少广告算多??" "The metrics we're providing help them decide on the best placement for ad pods and how long should an ad pod run. 他们可以改变这些指标并衡量整体参与度. 发行商可以利用这些知识进行A/B测试,看看什么能引起观众的共鸣,哈斯拉姆说。.


All the vendors interviewed here have their own dashboards or hooks into the data where customers can export 信息. “你可以通过API连接并获得实时数据, or do a batch transfer where you save whatever time period you're interested and transfer via a file, 这可能是一个类似excel的文件或一些其他基于xml的标记传输文件,哈斯拉姆说。.

Publisher technical operations groups can connect the data feed to a monitoring tool like Grafana to ensure there is uninterrupted video signals. Or product or marketing groups may prefer their data to be routed to a visualization tool like Tableau or Splunk or to a marketing cloud where the 信息 can be combined with a CRM database. This intelligence gained from viewing trends can provide guidance on what features or services to invest in or how to market more content.

目前的一个趋势是混合交付的出现. 哪些内容是AVOD,哪些是SVOD. "Crunchyroll is a good example of that where you have an entry-level product that is ad-supported and then you're able to upgrade to a subscription-based product,哈斯拉姆说。. "We've seen multiple publishers start to play with both ad- and subscription-based models to try to suss out the consumer's appetite for doing both or doing more of one or the other.“拥有数据意味着能够看到消费者偏爱什么.

一方面,有些公司正处于数据路线图的起点. “我给人们的建议是,把数据当成信仰. I think you would be surprised at how many media organizations don't really get deep in the woods with the data. 他们可能会看着它说, 是的,我们的观点在周二或周三上升, 但他们不会调查个别内容的放弃率, (and ask) 'Did we play more ads on a particular stream?’”史密斯说. “利用这些数据来理解你的观众为什么会吸引你,以及他们是如何吸引你的, 然后利用这些数据制定视频策略."

另一方面, there are broadcasters that are consulting their analytics several times a day to see what is resonating. 对报童来说,获得实时分析是一个大问题. "The one thing I wish we had is true real-time data coming off of live streams," says Sabatinelli. “尼尔森不得不等待一夜之间的结果, 我知道你在整小时后十五分钟送人. 在所有平台上拥有实时数据将是可以想象的最强大的工具." For Google Analytics users, Charles Farina, manager of digital analytics at Analytics Pros has a 解决方案 that can be integrated into the player that he says provides data on concurrent livestream users.


愤怒的集团. works with publishers to bring automatic consolidation of data sources from disparate advertising inventory management, 规划和定价解决方案, replacing the manual approach their customers were previously using to run their ad businesses. 在与技术供应商交谈时,愤怒的集团 .说. 首席执行官阿什利·J. 斯沃茨,你问的第一个问题应该是“我拥有自己的数据吗??’接下来的问题是,‘如果我拥有自己的数据,我该如何把它拿出来?理想情况下,所有供应商都有API访问权限.然而,斯沃茨表示,在她所在的视频技术行业,这种情况很少发生. “至少,我希望每天都能得到(数据). 第三个问题应该是,“我访问这些数据有多容易?以什么格式访问??'"

所需的数据点数量因发行商和业务重点而异. 视频播放得好吗,在哪里播放,谁在看? 内容的浏览量和浏览量是多少, 观众在哪里落差, 多少广告算多? 观众的信息能否被带入其他分析或营销平台? 数据是当前的吗?? 它可以通过API访问吗?

在视频路线图上,数据是一段旅程,而不是目的地. Figuring out the right data to track means extracting business analytics will become a lot easier and that should be good news for both publishers and viewers.

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