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8K and Beyond: How Much is Too Much?

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Last year, 8K was all the rage. 在CES上, NAB, and IBC trade shows, 很多产品和讨论都与即将到来的8K革命有关. 这是一个建立在技术进步基础上的行业的重要组成部分,它渴望飞跃下一个大事件. 今年的CES也展示了三星、LG、夏普等公司的8K显示屏. 8K has become the TV vendor's latest flagship.

任何关于8K的讨论都会引来狂热者对超分辨率的可能性和反对者, for whom 4K was a step too far. The truth, of course, lies in between with the pragmatists. 8k不太可能像3D电视那样陷入死胡同,但对于如何使用这项技术,狗有自己的想法.

事实是,8K电视现在是一个小众市场,而且很可能在未来10年都是如此, perhaps long after. 与此同时,使用8K作为生产和交付格式可能会增长. And at some yet-to-be-determined point, 两者会趋同,因为各方不可避免地会降低成本.

Samsung 8K OLED

三星在2019年国际消费电子展上推出了QLED 8K电视,8K再次成为2020年国际消费电子展的话题.

Zero Correlation

在全球范围内, 2018年第四季度,4K超高清电视机首次超过电视出货量的一半, according to figures from IHS Markit. In North America, around one-third of households own a UHD set; more than half will by 2021; and 64% will in 2023.

Western Europe will reach 46% of homes having a UHD set by 2023, 由于电视的更新换代速度更快,美国的增长速度比中国更快. China, however, will have 1.今年将有400万家庭拥有8K电视,在全球范围内处于领先地位.

Here's the rub. There's nothing to watch in China. 相反,人们购买8K电视是作为一种身份的象征,部分原因是它的屏幕尺寸更大.

There is only one TV channel broadcasting 8K in the world, and it's in Japan, 在哪里, 到了夏天, 62,000人将能够观看NHK以8K超高清格式转播的东京奥运会. 令人印象深刻的? Not in a country of 50 million inhabitants (0.1% of the population will have native 8K capability).

“由于偏爱较小的屏幕尺寸,日本明显落后," 说s Maria Rua Aguete, executive director at IHS Markit. “到2020年,只有19%的日本家庭拥有超高清电视机,到2023年将达到32%. Despite UHD 4K and 8K broadcasts being available, the bulk of the country will rely on HD and SD by 2023."

The numbers for the 8K TV install base are tiny. Rua Aguete说:“内容和产品之间没有任何关联. In other words, 这个行业可以随心所欲地推出更多的8K屏幕, but broadcasters are not taking the bait.

65英寸以上的大屏幕被认为能提供最好的家庭8K观看体验, and sizes are nudging up worldwide. However, the logistics of delivery and install could limit sales.

The cost of packaging, 运输, and delivering a 75" TV is double that of a 65" panel, estimates IHS Markit, 因为它需要两个人把它搬进家里.

While half of U.K. 到2022年,家家户户都应该拥有4K屏幕(其普及速度与高清电视的历史销量相当)。, the analysts remain extremely cautious about 8K TV penetration, forecasting worldwide sales of 3 million by 2023 (of which just 625,000 will be in Western Europe).

"We think 8K looks like an oversampled display, but SD is not high enough, so the sweet spot lies some在哪里 in between,IHS Markit Technology的研究和分析主管保罗·格雷(Paul Gray)在一次会议上表示.K.'s DTG group in October.

内容制作者可能会一致同意高动态范围(HDR)比分辨率提供更重要的视觉冲击力, 但这需要一段时间才能让公众接受,因为他们已经习惯了更多的像素意味着更好的像素.

"We pay more for a 6" handset than a 60" TV, and you keep the handset for less time," 说s Frode Hernes, 高级副总裁, 核心产品, 在Vewd. "TVs are far too cheap yet vastly complex to produce, 我们希望它们拥有和手机一样的流畅和高质量的体验. That is unrealistic."

如果电视机制造业能够通过创新走出目前的低产量尺寸更换周期,那么它还有一线生机. One answer might lie in new form factors like roll­able, 模块化, 或者在最近的消费电子展上展示的墙纸显示器.

Screen Real Estate

除此之外, the function of the TV itself is being broadened to include AI, 语音控制, and smart home control functions.

显示器可能会很大,以便在屏幕范围内容纳多个用例. For that reason, 8K分辨率对全屏观看的用处不大,而对观看能力的用处更大, 说, a 4K program in one portion of the screen with apps 
like video sharing in another portion. 其他用例可能是指导性的(例如,谷歌地图的路况视频)。.

计算机视觉正在推动图像质量的增强,并且是在屏幕进入市场时将较低分辨率的内容输入升级到8K的一种解决方案. “我们可以使用人工智能实时动态地检查内容输入并改进它,这样你就不必把垃圾扔进垃圾扔出," explained Alan Delaney, 电视芯片制造商海思的国际业务发展和营销总监, 到DTG.

在展示和分销渠道方面,可寻址市场如此有限, 在这个时候,优质内容制作人没有动力去掌握8K格式的节目.

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