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当我们第一次迎来2020年时,没有意识到即将到来的COVID-19变化 在社交和工作场合,我的 音乐播放列表的标题是“2020就是答案”. 关于视频解决方案架构和实时事件流, 这个播放列表应该被命名为“2020年的问题”, 和  year’s playlist could optimistically be named 2021 Is the Answer, as the challenges 迫使我们参与进来 with a wide range of ongoing 生产 和 business dilemmas faced by organizations 和 几乎每个行业的人都比以往任何时候都更依赖直播. 现在我们已经进入了新的一年, I’d like to take what I’ve learned 和 project to the near future with some solutions that seem useful for a variety of different client situations.

在我看来, there are two approaches that are well-suited to the "limited physical presence" that COVID-19 safeguards may continue to require: 

  1. 百家乐软件有限的现场生产: Webcasters can likely still arrive at an event location 和 produce a live stream, 但人员将被限制在当地指导方针允许的范围内. Most 生产 companies have adapted their mobile on-site strategies to work with the new restrictions in place; the bigger question is whether the event(s) will continue based on new restrictions. 运动队可能不被允许在特定的司法管辖区比赛. There may be a fair bit of remote 生产 involved with on-site 生产 as well, 现场工作人员将流推送到基于云的摄取, 一个非现场的技术总监负责管理输入, 额外的图形, 以此类推到最后的现场直播. 
  2. 百家乐软件有限的远程生产; Webcasters that offer technical direction for multiple camera/input scenarios may continue to repurpose their efforts to running virtual events on whatever conferencing platform meets the business requirements of the tasks at h和. 变焦, 微软团队, 思科网讯, 和 others offer convenient ways for hosts or managers to regulate nearly every aspect of a virtual meeting or webinar. Most of my company’s work has evolved to run technical direction on 变焦 webinars, 控制谁的摄像头和麦克风处于激活状态, 通过专门的主持人账号运行视频点播(VOD)输入, 和, 如果有必要的话, Q期间担任主持人&一个时期. 


  • 缺乏百家乐软件可能意味着质量下降: If you’re not able to have all of the resources you typically allocate to your 生产s, 你如何填补空缺? Do you invest in more remote-controllable devices 和 cameras so that limited staff can operate more cameras? If budgets don’t allow for shipping quality gear to remote presenters (in situations where nearly everyone is remote), how do you prepare presenters to look 和 sound their best when they’re live in front of a virtual audience?
  • 网络速度和质量: 随着越来越多的全球劳动力(和观众)呆在家里, 网络需求比过去更加关键. It may not be possible to have everyone look 和 sound the same simply based on differences in connection speed. 
  • 视频点播直播: As more 和 more organizations 和 companies become accustomed to the ease of recording live meetings 和 webinars, live participation may not be as critical for audiences as it was prior to COVID-19. 

由于这些可预见的问题, 我们需要比以往任何时候都更加勤奋地进行前期制作, 生产, 以及后期制作任务, 包括以下内容: 

  • 技术图表:确保你 
    take the time to meticulously map out all of the components 和 resources necessary for 生产 day; have all stakeholders/product owners as well as other vendors participate in the plan.
  • 管家规则:对于虚拟事件, build a specific presentation slide deck that walks through the engagement process for attendees. Every conferencing platform has subtle differences in how attendees can interact with presenters 和 other attendees. 例如, 
    spell out how 和 when the “raise h和” feature should be used versus text chat 和 Q&一个特性.
  • 冗余:正如我之前提到的, 
    the network quality of connected presenters 和 attendees is more important than ever, 和 every 生产 should strive to have the highest-quality connection available. 如果他们的参与至关重要,确保每个人都有备用连接 
    为项目的成功干杯. 尝试使用有线网络连接, 和 test a tethered phone or hotspot as a backup connection should the primary connection fail. 
  • 技术检查:Build into your 生产 schedule the time to vet any 和 all gear setups with presenters 和 hosts. 相机质量、音频质量、照明和连接速度测试 
  • 彩排:Any live event should include technical rehearsals with all available presenters 和 test audiences. 在预算允许的情况下,还应该进行实时的全礼服排练. 通常, 只有当一切就绪时,不可预见的问题才会出现, 如果你在现场演出前至少提前24小时进行彩排, you’ll have the time to adjust the program 和/or resources to address the problems. 

Hopefully, we’re all feeling better about the challenges we continue to face as we deal with 未来几个月受covid -19影响制作的现实情况. 当不确定性出现时,你就准备得越充分, 你就能更好地驾驭我们新的虚拟现实. The good news is that most of these issues are familiar territory for anyone who has been in 这 business for a while. The even better news is that more people are becoming video-literate with each hurdle they overcome.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


These days, the cost 和 technological barriers to live streaming are few are far between. 罗伯特•莱因哈特 outlines some reasons why organizations may still hesitate to live stream their events, 他说明了为什么这些理由是错误的. He breaks down the ways that even events with small budgets can still produce high-quality live streams.


TAG's Peter Wharton 和 HBO's Euan McLeod discuss the rise of remote 生产 和 cloud distribution 和 whether they're hear to stay in 这 clip from 流媒体 West Connect.


What's the best way to h和le a multiday conference with one remote panel event after another, 间隔大约5分钟, 也许更少? What if you add video playback, remote slide presentations, 和 the inevitable last-minute changes?



Stream4us' Anthony Burokas offers best practices for making remote guests in multi-source live 生产s look 和 sound their best in 这 clip from 流媒体 West Connect.


Mediasite VP of Customer Success Bill Cherne offers tips on how to use video for team-building 和 improving morale while the p和emic continues to m和ate remote work for most organizations in 这 clip from 流媒体 West Connect.